28 września, 2017


Geographical location

Estonia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern and Eastern Europe, bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, and to the south by Latvia, and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia. Across the Baltic Sea – Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and islands in the Baltic Sea.

Location of the country on the international transport routes

Transport in Estonia relies most on railway and road networks.

Main sea-ports

There are 45 ports in Estonia according to the State Port Register. Most of them are on the Baltic Sea. Main ports are Muuga: http://www.portoftallinn.com/muuga-harbour, Tallinn (comprises several ports) : http://www.portoftallinn.com/, Paldiski: http://www.portoftallinn.com/paldiski-south-harbour, Kunda: http://www.knc.ee/en/node/5166, Pärnu: http://www.estonianports.com/port-of-parnu/, and Sillamäe: http://www.silport.ee/index_eng.html.

Inland navigation system

320 km of waterways in Estonia is perennially navigable. There are both international and domestic operating water transport routes.