The Coordinating Secretariat for Maritime Issues “17 + 1” has released an album summarizing the debates on the global challenges facing the maritime economy which were held within the World Maritime Day in Poland.
The role of women in fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
The 17+1 format seek the opportunity to improve working conditions and promote the role of women in the fisheries sector and aquaculture. In 2019, the issues of professional activation in the maritime sector gain in importance. This report sheds a light on women’s presence in catching, aquaculture, processing, and fisheries-related activities which had not been well documented so far, particularly in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.
Deputy Minister F.A. Maciej Lang attends a meeting of National Coordinators of 17+1 Format held in Beijing
The participants agreed to have the 17+1 Midterm Cooperation Agenda for 2020-2025 adopted during the meeting of 17+1 leaders in 2020.