11 September 2020

DCT appointed a representative in Czechia and Slovakia.

For several years, DCT Gdansk container terminal has been building its position in Czechia and Slovakia. Every year, through this terminal, passes dozens of containers filled with goods coming from or sent to these countries.

It would not be possible without direct railway connections to Czechia, which were launched in 2017. In order to strengthen the level of service, DCT Gdańsk decided to appoint a representative who could cooperate with the clients in Czechia and Slovakia.

Adéla Kurečková joined the DCT Gdańsk team as a business development manager for Czechia and Slovakia: Thanks to her extensive experience in sea transport, forwarding and customs work, Adéla Kurečková brings a deep knowledge of the Czech and Slovak market. She will work with local industry logistics and cargo owners to enable them seeing and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by transport via the DCT Gdansk terminal.

Customers from coastless countries, when choosing a port which is hundreds of kilometers away from them, take into consideration the cost of transport and the guarantee that their cargo will be safe and the service will be excellent. DCT Gdańsk, thanks to its location and an extensive network of oceanic and intermodal connections, for Czechia and Slovakia stands for a competitive alternative for the commonly used ports. The use of the Polish terminal for the Czechs and Slovaks means decrease in costs and increase in quality. With Adéla Kurečková’s support, we will strengthen what we have managed to develop so far, but also share our experience in the logistics industry and present our offer to local markets – said Cameron Thorpe, general director of DCT Gdańsk.

The information in Czech language can be read here: https://dctgdansk.pl/dct-gdansk-prinasi-novou-hodnotu-ceskym-a-slovenskym-zakaznikum/

Source: DCT Gdańsk

You can contact Adéla directly:

Email: adela.kureckova@dctgdansk.com

Tel.: +420 725 313 621

Web: http://www.dctgdansk.com